Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Founders Breakfast Stout (2011)

Grade: A+

My first review and I have to start off with a classic from one of my favorite breweries!  Founders holds a special place in my heart as their beers have really gotten me interested in drinking and collecting craft beer.  I've had this stout many, many times before and will (at some point) review last year's batch for a comparison.  Enough of the small talk, let's get down to it:

Appearance: pitch black with a good two finger mocha head.  Moderate lacing as you go on.  Lovely to look at!

Smell:  Smokey coffee and chocolate.  As it warms and with a bit of agitation, I pick up more chocolate (mocha?).  Faintly boozy.  Can't wait to sip...

Taste: Follows the nose.  Chocolate and coffee up front with a slightly bitter aftertaste.  Very smooth.  The finish is dry.  The lingering taste of chocolate and coffee is extremely pleasant and forces you to take small sips and savor.

Mouthfeel: Again, very smooth and silky.  The light carbonation adds to the smoothness.  It's a beer than you'll find yourself rolling around your mouth before swallowing as it coats the tongue nicely with that smokey chocolate flavor.

Overall:  Probably my in top five of all-time favorite beers.  It's a very balanced beer.  The flavors are very distinct and present but the overall effect is very subtle.  At 8.3% ABV, it goes down surprisingly well.  If you're lucky enough to find some, buy multiples and try to age a few.  Look forward to my review of last year's batch.  Enjoy!